It's time for a Purple Crackle. It works like Red (pink!) crackle, just the brush is even worse, kind of turned up, total disaster.
My phone doesn't love purples so it's more blue than purple on my pictures. In RL is definetely warmer and pretty purple creme.
For the base color I used 1 coat of Essence - Black Hype from their Black & White collection - a white creme with kind of plastic finish. This is the worst white polish I've ever tried. 
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I didn't apply TC on these pictures. They're really hard to remove, but when I tried foil method it goes off quickly and smoothly just like the glitter. I'm really avoiding rubbing my nails with remover so the foil method is the best discovery ever. 
What do you think? Like it or not? With a perfect color combination they really look cool. I just wish the brush was better.
ooh purple crack! i like this one better than the pink!
ReplyDeleteTale je super! Čeprav mi še zmeraj ni preveč všeč, kako razpoka (raje bi videla, da še malček bolj), mi je pa tale res fin. :)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous!! For having a bad brush, I think you did a good job.
ReplyDeletelove it! :)
ReplyDeleteWOW. I love this one.
ReplyDeleteOvo mi je savršena kombinacija.. odlično!!!
ReplyDeleteTale mi je všeč.
ReplyDeleteGlede odstranjevanja s folijo pa se čisto strinjam.
@Amanda: I really can't decide which one I prefer more. Both are just beautiful. :)
ReplyDelete@Ulmiel: Potem bo vijolični od ChG popoln zate, ane. :)
@Megan Harmeyer: Well, I had to clean my cuticles a lot. :/ The brush is really annoying. :)
@Kiva: I'm glad you like it. :)
@Rachel Marie: I'm happy you like it. :)
@Lalica: Hvala. Na svu sreču se i ne vidi kakav zmazak je onaj lak izpod. :D
@Taya: Ane. :) Nohti so nama zelo hvaležni. :D
super je... znači da je sličan mom starom kad se tako teško skida :-)
ReplyDeletemrzim ga samo zbog toga :-p
I tried it too over a topcoat and it didn't crackle! and when it finally did a little it all fell off! then i tried it without topcoat and it wasn't great either but better haha
ReplyDelete@nail crazy: Stvarno ga je tako teško skinit. :/ Ali dobro, dok je folija tu, nema problema. :D
ReplyDelete@you nailed it!: They fell off if the manicure is dry, agree, try over a half dried mani, maybe'll work? :)
verjetno si uživala ob lakiranju White Hype :)) hehe.. in ta crackle je res ful lep :)
ReplyDeleteTale beli lak res ni preveč super za nanašanje =))), se ne veselim dneva, ko ga bom uporabila za celotno manikuro =).
ReplyDeleteSi pa izbrala res super barve, me je prav zanimalo s katerimi barvami boš tele razpokice kombinirala =)
@Tinna: Hehe, najprej sem poskusila počasi in kolikor toliko lepo, ko sem pa videla, da to enostavno ne zmorem, sem na hitro namazana en sloj in potem upala, da bo crackle prekril. In je! :D Res ti si ga uspela lepo namazat, meni to res ne rata. :/
ReplyDelete@colorfulbottle: Lahko rečem le: "Veliko sreče!" :)) Je kar težko izbirati osnovno barvo, da se potem razpoke lepo vidijo. :) Tako da so res vsi svetli odtenki super za tale crackle. :) Je pa s črnim lažje kombinirati, se mi zdi.