It happened! :c I broke my nail today. I'm soooooo angry. :@ First I added few coats of BC and wished it would help to stay in one piece till Monday so I could buy Essence glue and their SOS nail repair pads, because I broke just a corner of my nail and it still didn't fell off so I could try to repair it. :( But of course I just couldn't forget on that and leave it alone, so it fell off. Worst case scenario. :( I filed the nail down but I'm not satisfied with the shape but I hope it'll grow up soon. I filed other nails just a little, I hope it won't look like disaster on pictures. We'll see tommorow. :)
Anyway I added some stamping to delicious Pucci-licious with Admire again. I had a lot of problems with this pattern from M74 last time when I used it with Chill Out, but today it was so easy again. :) I love Admire! :) It looks great over this great purple. :L
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This pattern looks so cool and unique. :) I really like it! What do you think about this color combination and pattern?
I just watched movie The Pursuit of Happiness for the 933983 time on TV, I just love this movie with Will and Jaden Smith. :L I would love to have a son like Jaden one day, he's just soooooo cute! :$ :h
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Happy Birthday mommy, love you so much!
I made a coconut cake for her today, it was delicious but didn't look like that, so I won't share a picture with you. :DTnx for watching!
Nighty night,
Ivana :k
manikra- ostavila me bez teksta!
ReplyDeletefilm - savršen! uvijek ga volim pogledat!
waw ful lepa kombinacija :L
ReplyDeleteFilm je pa tudi meni eden izmed boljših!
Gorgeous colours!
haha, evo pa je konad tukaj...:) sem pravo vprasanje postavila pri tvojem prejsnjem postu:)
ReplyDeletefuuuul lepa kombinacije:)...perfect nails:)
pa ta film je res lep:P..tamaladva sta cukra <3 :)
I Love the color and the design, your nails looks beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHappy B-Day to your Mom!!
@Maybe: Hvalaaa. :) I meni je film predobar, ko i svi sa Willom. :) Ali Jaden je takav slatkiš! :h
ReplyDelete@mancina se štima: Hvalaaaa. :) Film je res hud, kaj dela družina Smith. :P
@Lila Loves: Thank you! :)
@Pink_Diamond: Jaaa, ko sem prebrala komentar, sem se prav nasmejala, ker sem ga že včeraj pokonadirala. :D
Perfect... Jah, so bili. :( Spet mam kr ene. :c
Kera 2? A iz filma? Jaden pa...? :D
@Carolina: Thank you for your compliments and wishes! :k :k
kakšna kombinacijaaaa <3 super je!
ReplyDeleteuf, ta film sem pa tudi jaz gledala že n-krat :P super je!
I'm in love :L ena najlepših kombinacij
ReplyDeletehehehe:)....ja, nekaj mi je manjkalo pri tistih nohtkih, ker jih vedno tako lepo pokonadiras:).... ta od willa smitha sinčka sta mi kjut oba:)....nisem se osredotočala samo na film:) hehe..
ReplyDeleteeh..sej tud kratki bonbončki so luštni..bodo hitro zrasli:)
Wow, very pretty manicure!
ReplyDeletedivan je i uzorak i citava kombinacija :) a nadam se da ce ti nokti brzo izrast do zeljene duzine
ReplyDeletelak je super, kombinacija genijalna, uzorak krasan... samo mi žao nokta :-(
ReplyDeleteali, meni su jučer dva pukla, pa mi je mojih duplo više žao lol
Sorry about your nail. Hate that when it happens. Like the stamping and a coconut cake sounds lovely even if its not photogenic. :)
ReplyDelete@.sparkle*: Hvalaaa! :h
ReplyDelete@Tinna: Awww, hvala. :k
@Pink_Diamond: Hvala. :) Upam, da res. :(
Aja, misliš starejši in mlajši sin? Al si mislila mlajšo hčerko? :P
@Deborah: Thank you. :)
@Lendoxia: Hvala! :) I ja isto jer sad izgleda baš bezveze. :(
@nail crazy: Ajoooj, baš mi je žao! :( To je ono najgore, što se more desiti (iako malo pretjerujem :$).
@Lacquer Ware for Tips and Toes: I'll survive, I guess. :D Thanks, my mom loved it, so everything was just fine. :P
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