With MAAH I discovered my love to glitters and since I've seen Petunia Sparkle here at Polish Drop (I love this blog, you should check it too!) I knew I had to have it! And Tinna from Tinna's nails ordered one also for me!!! Thank you sweety, again!
Petunia Sparkle is a pink glitter nail polish. I add 3 coats without TC, surface is rough but it doesn't bother me, maybe I'll add TC later. This one would look great also with 2 thick coats, but I add 3 thin! It's not difficult to apply it - you just have to make sure you have enough polish on your brush or you'll wipe off the glitter with a dry brush. It dries very fast, finish is kind of matte.
So, let's start with a lot of the same pictures, O.K.?

It sparkles so much in RL! Stunning! I can't tell you how much I love it!
This is my first Nubar and I'm so happy that I have a chance to try it. Take a look of the botlle:

It contains 15ml of nail polish and it's Formaldehyde, Phthlate and Toluene FREE - first I didn't read carefully and I thought that has these in!
Imagine effect shown on the picture below × 100 and you'll get the effect that I can see with my eyes!
Just the color on this picture is too purple!

I'm impressed with Nubar polishes, do you have same experience as me? Which one you think I should put on my WL?
Oh, I also add a What's next? column, just for reminder for myself what I have to try and also you can know what to expect next! Polishes aren't written down in sequential order, I will pick randomly from the list.
Oh, I also add a What's next? column, just for reminder for myself what I have to try and also you can know what to expect next! Polishes aren't written down in sequential order, I will pick randomly from the list.
Happy Friday, girls!
Looks very pretty even without sunshine!
ReplyDeleteful lep lak:) a bi se ti dalo enkrat naredit prispevek kako zgleda lak po posameznih plasteh... 1. plast, 2. plast :) hehe... res me zanima:)
ReplyDeletedrgač pa popolna manikura:)
@KarenD: Thank you! It's gorgeous anyway, but you should see it how it sparkles! :D
ReplyDelete@Pink_Diamond: Hvala! Bom, verjetno takoj, ko jo odstranim! Ampak z enim slojem je progasta in prozorna, z dvema če se potrudiš izgleda tako kot pri meni, samo sama se rajši poslužujem tankih kot debelih slojev! No, bom poslikala! :)
Ivana, this color is sooooooooo pretty!
ReplyDeleteI have to order this one.
Hvalaaaaaa:)....Bom pogledala:) Jaz ne maram preveč slojev, ker sem preprosto lena in si vedno pokvarim manikuro, ker ne morem pri miru sedet in čakat, da se posuši:) hehehe... ta mi je pa res lep lak, pa me zanima kako zgleda samo v enem sloju:)
ReplyDelete@Carolina: Thank you sweety! You should get it! I'm sure you'll like it! :)
ReplyDelete@Pink_Diamond: Malenkost! :) Hehehe, tudi sama ne maram tega, ampak to ponavadi rešim z hitrosušečim nadlakom, tale se pa že sama po sebi zelo hitro posuši, tako da ni nek problem! :)
This is in my top 5 polishes and it's constantly on my toes...it never changes!
ReplyDeleteoh. my. gosh. - - - WANT. =P seriously, such a pretty color! and glitters are my current favorites!
ReplyDeleteiiii hvala sweety <3 :) ampak meni so tvoji krajši nohtki tako popolni in res vsak lakec ti paše :)
ReplyDeletein ful dobre slikice si naredila..meni še do danes ni uspelo da bi to lepotičko slikala na naravni svetlobi, vedno pridem tako pozno domov :/
lepo jo nosi ;)
@Konad-licious: Your toes are bling bling, super cute! :)
ReplyDelete@Katrina: Thank you! It's really stunning, you should get it if you can! :)
@Tinna: Hvala tebi! :* Bom bom, ker je res prelepa! Upam, da jo še tebi uspe poslikati na dnevni svetlobi in da ti bo bolj uspelo ujeti ta prelep bleščičast efekt. :)
Wow..!. I only own one Nubar, bought it at a flea market ^_^.
ReplyDeleteBut I have to put this one on my nubar list.
Someday I will order when I can afford the shipping of their online store, looks gorgeous on you!
@Arie: You should also check e-bay or Amazon. Maybe you'll find something cheaper as their online store! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Hope you'll have it soon too!
Čudovit je!
ReplyDelete@nihrida: Thank you! :*