Wednesday, October 6, 2010

China Glaze - Peachy Keen

I have another beauty from China Glaze Up & Away c0llection - Peachy keen which I get from lovely Carolina. menari

It's a bright peachy with a little orange color in it. It's so bright and beautiful creme nail polish. I'm sure I'll use it for fall and winter to colorize my life. I realy like having a bright nails because then I feel better. I never match my outfits and nails, just in special occasions or something like that, but usually I pick a color which I really want to have or like or love. Do you match your nails with your outfits all the time?

I add 2 coats and Seche Vite Picture was taken outside on a cloudy day.

What do you think? Like it? I just purcase M79 Konad Image Plate. Wohoo, soon I will make a polka dot manicure. sengihnampakgigi

I want to share with you my cocoa with a heart! Do you like drinking cocoa? Or do you drink just coffee? I really don't drink coffee, cappucinoo,... just cocoa with a lot of sugar! Yummmmi!malu

Have a nice day!

18 Comment(s):

  1. This is so sweet! I don't have a basic peach creme AT ALL, wow. I should write this one down.

  2. pretty peach color :)

  3. i LOOOVE Peachy Keen! it was one of my favorites from the collection! :) and that cocoa looks so good :)

  4. Barva je prelepa. Tako nežno mi deluje. :)

  5. Čudovit odtenek! Jaz ponavadi gledam, da imam lak usklajen z barvo obleke. :) Pa še modne dodatke. Včasih mal preveč kompliciram. :D

  6. jako lepa boja i prelepo ti stoji. meni takve nijanse uopste ne idu uz ten :(

  7. oh, i adore this color!!!
    and that cup of cocoa looks delicious

  8. Peachy Keen is so pretty and definitely on my wishlist, love your cocoa! I like to drink it around the holidays but I love my coffee!

  9. This peach is great on your hands. I do not like coffee, I drink tea instead, sometime I have some cocoa on cold nights!

  10. all I can say is wow. that nail polish is stunning on you! you applied it perfectly and your pics are so clear its amazing. Thanks so much for posting this becuase it was so refreshing to see such a beautiful peach its such a hard color to obtain!I love your blog and enjoy reading the posts!

    Follow me and ill follow you!
    (i just started and could use some followers!)

  11. @Asami: Thank you! You should get it, it's stunning and so easy to apply! :)

    @ipehishere: It is, a peachy with a little orange but still looks beautiful! :)

    @Katrina: My fav from this collection is Something sweet just because I adore pink, but all collection is amazing! You can't go wrong with any of them. :)

    @Taya: Se strinjam, res je nežna in ne preveč oranžna. :)

    @elchy: Uf pridna! Ampak potem zgledaš tipi topi, medtem ko sama udarim mimo z barvo nohtov. :P

    @hermetic: Misliš? Ja mislim, da bi ti ova boja lepo stajala. Moraš probati! ;)

    @maRyya: Thank you! It was also delicious. :P

    @Freshie: Thank you! You should get it, I was so happy that I get it in swap. :)

    @Jackie S.: Thank you! I drink tea too but rarely, just when I'm cold and I have to take a pill. :P

    @Toesthattwinkle!: Thank you so much for this kind words and I'm glad you like it! :) I'll check you back!

  12. Okay, it's FINALLY up! (:

  13. Awww kak ti paše! Krasen je tale peachy keen :) Jaz tudi obožujem kakav <3

  14. @Abby: Wooohooo! I'm your follower now! :)

    @With love, Ana.: Hvala! :) Že kar nekaj časa je bil na moji WL, zasluga za to pa gre tebi, ker sem ga pri tebi prvič videla. :P

    Sva že 2. <3

  15. Yay one of my faves!, I prefer this one over CG IV. look gorgeous on you!

  16. @Arie: Thank you! I don't have IV so I don't know how would this 2 look together, show me! :)

  17. hi!This was a really magnificentsuper post!
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  18. @Anonymous: Thank you and you're very welcome! I'm so happy that you like my blog. <3 Good to have you around here!


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