how are you today?
I’m so sleepy. The weather is so sick, it’s cloudy and raining, oh come on, I want summer – sun and hot temperature!
This photo was taken today. No sun. Blah… June and I’m freezing, is that normal? I don't think so.

Yesterday I went out with my friend and we went to local confectionery. They have the best ice cream on the whole world. We ordered pizza ice cream.
Pizza is made out of 3 scoops of ice cream, sliced fruit as you wish and cream. We order scoop of Rafaello, choco cookie and choco Princess, sliced strawberry, kiwi, peach and banana. It was soooooo good.

And here is the picture of ice cream with chocolate:

Do you like ice cream? I have never enough of it, really. And chocolate too.
Let me show you my manicure that I made yesterday:
I apply 2 coats of S-he #375. That is really transparent lilac polish. I added 2 coats. I should add 4 or more coats for almost completely opaque. Polish dries very quickly so that wouldn’t be any problem.

And then I add konad. I used again Essence Show your feet – Hot red and M64. I love this plate.

And this is a result:

I like it a lot.
Did you watch match Portugal vs. North Korea? Korea received 7 goals. Amazing match!
Thank you for following me!
waw super izgleda manikra! =)
ReplyDeleteful lepo ;)
ReplyDeletesuper ti že gre konadiranje :)
omg, sladoleeed...sej ne da sm ga dons že jedla :) pa torto tut haha...ampak tale slikca me je pa na rit vrgla! sladoled <3
ReplyDeletehehe, tale she lakec imam pa isti :) če imam na nohtu 3 plasti mi še najboljš zgleda...konadiranje pa itak že obvladaš :P
Jaz bi tudi slaadoleed! Bo pa čokolada še najboljši približek... Ampak vreme je pa res zmrzljivo/jesensko. Hočem sonček, krilca in japonke! :)
ReplyDeleteluštna manikura ;)
p.s. Reči mami, da nas je kar nekaj takšnih ki lahko spimo/poležavamo pol dneva :P ;)
@ mancina se štima & Tinna: Hvala obema. :* Ja se trudim. :)
ReplyDelete@ .sparkle*: Ja, ja, sladoled, njamiii. :) Jst bi tud tortico, teh pa že res nism dolg jedla. :(
Ja res 3+ plasti pa super zgleda, men se ni dal več čakat. :) Hvala. :*
@ Helena: Hvala. :* Čokolada je super zamenjava za sladoled, če ne celo boljša. :) Ja, jst bi tud sonček. Začetek poletja, pa tako vreme. :/
Bom rekla mamici, ampak kok bo verjela je pa tud vprašanje, hehe. ;)
Super konadikura! :)
ReplyDeleteSladoled lahko jem v vseh letnih časih, 24/7 *lol*
ReplyDeleteIn tale sladica izgleda božansko... :P
Nohtki pa tudi super!
@ Tassa: Hvala. :*
ReplyDelete@ Biba: A ti tudi? Hehe, hvala. :*