Something sweet from Up & Away collection is a beautiful pastel baby pink creme nail polish. This collection is so cute!

I was surprised with the application, because pastels are usually so hard to apply and they need about 3 coats for perfect opacity. But this one has very good application, I add 2 coats and Seche Vite.

What do you think? Do you like pastels?
My current manicure is calling for stamping, do you agree? I haven't done any stamping these days, because I still don't have new image plates and these I have, became boring to me. I always want so many thing at the same time, but I'm broke at the moment and I can't purchase for all I want.

Hope you all have a great time,

Ooo, super je, in lepo ti pristaja=). Me je kar šokiralo, da je tako lep že po 2 plasteh, ker pastelni odtenki znajo biti res zelo občutljivi in zahtevni =). Lakec pa res kar kliče po konadu, komaj čakam kakšna kombinacijo boš uporabila =)
ReplyDeletePastelni odtenki so mi kar všeč, ampak še raje imam bolj pisane barve, sem včeraj nalakirala nohte s sivo in sem ugotovila, da je bolje da ostanem pri bolj živih barvah=)
@colorfulbottle: Res je pravo presenečenje! :) Prelep je! <3 Naj te "razočaram", sem se odločila, da manikuro pustim tako kot je. Res sem se že naveličala vseh vzorčkov, moram nabaviti nove platke, potem pa spet štampiljkat na veliko. x)
ReplyDeleteMeni so tudi všeč žive barve, sploh jeseni in pozimi, ko je že vse tako pusto. :P
Super ti paše na nohtke!Jaz jih ne bi nič poštempljala, ker so lepi taki kot so :)
ReplyDeleteta pa je res sweet <3
ReplyDeleteI have this color and I know how beautiful it is.
ReplyDeleteYou have a beautiful nails, and pinks looks amazing on you.
BTW, You are welcome!!
@.sparkle*: Hvala! :) Sem se odločila, da ne bom nič spreminjala. x)
ReplyDelete@Tinna: Ja, se strinjam, čist preveč sweet! :)
@Carolina: Thank you! I really love it!
LOOOVEEE this pink color !!!
ReplyDelete@ipehishere: Me too. So soft and beautiful. <3
ReplyDeleteI love this shade!!it's so beautiful color..