Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - Pacific Blue

Good morning everyone. senyumkenyit

I asked you, dear readers, which one should I choose first from the swap with Carolina. And she requested Pacific blue, so here it is, just for you dear Carolina. cium

I add 1 coat and Seche Vite fast drying topcoat - Really is fast drying! Love it! I still don't like the brush of Sally Hansen Xtreme wear polishes.

It's really hard to capture the real color of this one. My phone always make it brighter! It's really an amazing blue creme polish. love

One extra photo with my FULL SIZE of Mad as a Hatter, yaaaaaaaaay! I just got it!

Have fun!


6 Comment(s):

  1. So Beautiful!
    Your nail looks amazing!

  2. Ja ću morat prestat čitat tvoj blog jer će me srce strefit od ljepote.. prekasna plava boja... aliiiiiiiii MAD AS HATTER????? FULL SIZE???? OMG!!! Ode srce...

  3. Love the blue!
    And you're gonna loooovvveee Mat As A Hatter!

  4. Zelo je lep tale plavko, zelo ti paše=). Najpomembnejše je pa to, da imaš zaj full size MAAH.=)

  5. @Anček: Hvala! :)

    @Carolina: Thank you!! <3

    @Lalica: Nemoj. :( Hehehe ali isto sam reagovala, kad sam danas dobila MAAH. :)))

    @Melanie: Thank you! I know. :) I already have a mini so I wanted a full size and now I'm happy. x)

    @colorfulbottle_ Hvala! Ta modra je tudi meni zelo všeč, čeprav mi modra barva ni ravno naj. Se vidi, da sta ista z Blue my mind (H&M). :D

    Jaaaa, moj moj MAAH. x) Zdaj ga bom lahko večkrat nalakirala na nohtke. :P


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