Sunday, February 6, 2011

Catrice - Bloody Mary To Go

It's time for red. I usually don't wear red, because I'm not used to that kind of colors. But I really like how it looks Mary on me. Anyway, this is 2 coats of Bloody Mary To Go and 1 coat of TC. It's a perfect red jelly. Application is more than great, you can get away also with 1 coat if you're careful but I added 2, just to be sure everything is OK.

I'm still not satisfied with the shape of my pointer, but slowly I'll get to that shape I want. malu

It looks orangey on the first picture, because my phone didn't want to coopeare with me. I think I found perfect red jelly, now I'm searching for a perfect dark red. Which one is you favorite dark red?

Btw... Thank you all for entering my little giveaway. Your comments are sooooo sweet, they made me happy!peluk

Have a great and sunny Sunday!


11 Comment(s):

  1. A good dark red is Revlon - Vixen, but it's like very very very dark, but when it comes to the formula, it's like, the best polish ever ! :)
    Xx. S

  2. imam ovo cudo i jedino sto me zivcira sto je preproziran za moj ukus

  3. Baš ti lijepo stoji crvena, mislim da bi ju trebala malo češće nosit ;)

  4. @Tinna: Počasi bova še rdečkote začeli zbirati. :P

    @S.: Thank you for your recommendation, I'll check for it, I really want perfect dark read. :)

    @Lendoxia: Hehe, onda najbolje da potražiš za kakvim sa krem finišem i ne jelly. :)

    @Lalica: Hvala. :) Prvo nisam mogla pogledati nohte a onda sam se navikla. Sad tražim još ljepše crvene za mene. :P

  5. Tale rdečko je popoln na krajših nohtih <3

  6. lovely on you!

    ...i usually don't wear reds either, because thats all i wore before my polish obsession

  7. @With love, Ana.: Meni je tudi všeč. :)

    @Enamel Girl: Thank you. :) I wore french manicure and now I don't want to wear it ever again, at least not the classic one. :D

  8. You should wear red polishes more often Ivana! Bloody Mary To Go is stunning on you!

  9. @'chelle: Aww thank you 'chelle. :) I'll try to add more reds in my stash. :)

  10. Hmm, kako se mi je lahko tole izmuznilo =). Ivana in rdečko, to me je nekam presenetilo, ampak ti res lepo paše, bi mogla včelrat kakega rdečkota nosit =).
    Glede temnordečega favorita pa ne vem, verjetno Diamon Cosmetics Cherry tobacco =)


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