I added a coat of TC on my Ruffian manicure, which I loooooooove. :L It started chipping next day that's why I put a TC to keep it on my nails for few days more. :) And of course We'll Always Have Paris Suede became alive with a coat of TC. :i
Love, love, love. :L
And this is my last manicure for now, I'm taking a break from blogging. :$
More after a click... :)
I's thinking about this since yesterday and I seriously think it's time to stop blogging... For 2 months at least. :) As much as I love blogging, taking pictures of manicures, writing posts, checking your blogs all the time - when I wake up, during the day and before I go to sleep... It became an addiction, I admit! :$
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Sun |
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Cloudy day, daylight |
And this is my last manicure for now, I'm taking a break from blogging. :$
More after a click... :)
I's thinking about this since yesterday and I seriously think it's time to stop blogging... For 2 months at least. :) As much as I love blogging, taking pictures of manicures, writing posts, checking your blogs all the time - when I wake up, during the day and before I go to sleep... It became an addiction, I admit! :$
Sharing my manicures with all of you become one of my favorite things, reading your comments even more... But I have to study hard! xo I need to pass all 4 exams in June, there is no more chances and I have to pass them all. That's why I'm taking a break from blogging. Wish me luck. :$
I hope you'll be still here after 2 months and I'll continue my blogging routine when I finish my exams and when I start writing my thesis (I really hope so!).
I's thinking about posting just once a week but call me silly, I spend an hour to make my manicure, take picture, crop and resize them, write a post and more to constantly check my mail box if I get any comments. :i That's why I can't post. :) Maaaaybe I'll cheat this "rule" about not posting and write something during 2 months, but we'll see about that. :)
I'm leaving you with my try to pose like those girls on promo pictures with ruffian manicure. :$

Thank you so much for following me and leaving such lovely comments, which make my day everytime I read them. I never thought I'll have so many followers and that I'll meet so many awesome people on this blogsphere. :) Thank you! :h I'll miss you all but I'll be checking your blogs just not so
I'll be available on my mail, so if you need anything just send me an e-mail. :P
I even made a ticker. :D
Ivana :k

I'll be available on my mail, so if you need anything just send me an e-mail. :P
I even made a ticker. :D
Ivana :k
Aww, your posts and spectacular pink nails will be missed! I do think the most important thing is your real life - and future regarding education, so I completely understand why you need the break :)
ReplyDeleteI'll be here when you come back from your break, that's for sure! And best of luck with the 4 exams :)
You rock! :b I have the same problem (June exams plus I'm working during the day so I have to study in my free time) but I'm not able to completely quit blogging. You're right, it's an addiction (and a time consuming one) :P
ReplyDeleteGood luck for your exams and see you (read) in June! Hugs!!
Your mani is really beautiful. Good luck for your exams.
ReplyDeleteI'll miss you :'(
Good Luck Ivana, I wish you the best!
ReplyDeleteI will miss you!
BTW, you are so pretty!!;)
i'll be here when you return :)
ReplyDeletei'll miss you!
P.S. you are gorgeous!! seriously! beautiful photo.
Your ruffian mani is gorgeous!!! Will be waiting for your return! Good luck ♥
ReplyDeleteManikura je fantastična in tvoj cel MU je tako super skombiniran! O.o
ReplyDeleteŽelim ti vso srečo na izpitih in čim več motivacije za učenje. Pa da bo to obdobje čimprej za tabo in se hitro spet vrneš sem! :*
Ja, bloganje vzame kar dosti časa. Sploh če se ne zadovoljiš s slabo kvalitetnimi slikami... Poznam. Upam, da ti uspe narediti vse izpite in da se zopet beremo čez par mesecev. Srečno!
ReplyDeleteSuper manikura in make-up!
ReplyDeleteŽelim ti veliko sreče pri izpiti in upam da 2 meseca čimprej mineta ;)
Joj, js te bom tko pogrešala :( Upam, da se čimprej vrneš, ne pozabit na nas. Drugač pa vso srečo na izpitih - tut mene čakajo in me že res skrbi :\
ReplyDeletePa sori, ampak morm - kok si lepa :$ A maš lahko še bolj perfect oči? K iz naslovnice, res <3
Come back soon :) I will miss your pink pretties :) Good luck in your exams and everything!!
ReplyDeleteok, odradi te ispite pa nam se vrati :-D
ReplyDeletekrasan make up i noktići za oproštaj
you got me inspiration thanks
upam da čimprej mineta ta dva meseca, da bom spet lahko občudovala tvoje rozike :L
ReplyDeletedrugače pa tudi mene na faxu čakata 2 napeta meseca :/
ungh ovo me podsjeca da i ja imam cetri ispita za rijesit, sretno s njima i nemoj nam se zaboravit vratit :)
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about that too lately, exams are close, and instead of doing what I should do, I do my nails, take photos, etc...
Good luck, and come back to us soon!!!
Joj, kok si pa ti luštna! :L Manikura je čudovita, kot vedno. :)
ReplyDeleteŽelim ti veliko uspeha pri izpitih, bom držala pesti. Hitro se vrni, ker te bom pogrešala. :)
Ivana, your pictures and manicures are always such an inspiration. I'm glad though that you're taking a break to focus on your present and future endeavors.
ReplyDeleteI wish you all the best and I hope that everything works out well! Looking forward to your happy return! :e
you will be missed cant wait already til you come back :)
ReplyDeletegood luck with the studying and the exams
shel xx
I wish you the best of luck for your exams!! I have exams too so I'll try to not post frequestly too. Love the last photo, you have gorgeous eyes!!
ReplyDeleteČudovita manikura <3.
ReplyDeleteVeliko sreče na izpitih, pogrešale te bomo! Upam da bo tistih pregrešk čimveč, čeprav po drugi strani pa potem nočem, da bi bila jaz kriva, da se bo pri kakem izpitu zataknilo.
Hej,imaš nagradu kod mene :)
ReplyDeleteSretno draga sa ispitima i vrati nam se sretna i vesela sa vijestima kako si ih sve razvalila!!! ;)
ReplyDeletePredivna manikura za kraj, odlična mi je ova slika gdje ti se vidi i lice. Oči su ti predivne, a trepavice to die for. ;)
kok si luškana :) lepe učke!
ReplyDeletedraga, ceka te nagradica na mom blogu :k :h
ReplyDeleteČudovita manikura... :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. na mojem blogu imaš nagrado
Omg I'm gonna miss you loads!!! Good luck with the exams =)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous mani as always =)
Take care!
There is an award waiting for you in my blog ;)
ReplyDeletereally lovely mani!<3
ReplyDeleteGirl, your comments are soooo sweet! :k Thanks so much, I'm still around but I'm just not posting. I've just finished my term paper and now the final exams'll start, yay... NOT. :D I'm missing your comments so much, but I'm still peeking at your blogs all the time. :P One month and happy blogging'll start again, yay! THanks again, you always make my day with your comments! :h
ReplyDelete@maisenzasmalto: Good luck to you too! I'm thinking of you! :h
@Summer: Ah, daj. :$ Sploh niso nič posebnega. :$ Veliko sreče tudi tebi z izpiti, upam, da bova obe vse porihtale! :h
@Lendoxia: Sretno! :k Neću, nemogu ja bez bloga. :P
@Stickers: Thank you! Good luck to you too! School is most important, but I still can't study if my nails aren't perfectly painted. :P
@Lalica: Hvala. :$ Trepavice mi uvek prave probleme i baš volim, kad ih uspem dobro namazati. :D
@Nina, Maki, Maja, Natalie: Ty. :k