I've got my TT 2 months ago and till then I'm using it all the time. I can't imagine living without this miracle brush. <3
Tangle Teezer Compact Styler is a travel size of original Tangle Teezer, so it's smaller than original and it has a plastic cover to protect its teeth - perfect for carrying around without ruining the teeth. It comes in a few colors but I got the pink one. :$
It's not big but its perfect for your hand, you can easily hold it. Approx. dimensions 105mm(D) x 85mm(W) x 50mm(H).
When my mom saw it for the first time, she didn't believe that this brush can detangle my hair at all. My hair is quite long, my ends are little damaged and I get knots all the time. Brushing my wet hair was impossible without pain. I wore curls sometimes of course with ton of hair spray so after few days my hair was impossible to detangle. I was pulling my hair so badly before with my old brush, so my hair's starting to break a lot... I still need a hair cut but I don't have any problems like before. At all. ^_^
Knots like this was something normal to me, I get them especially at the back of my head.
Before / After |
With few brushstrokes, without any breakages or damaging my hair, knot disappears! :)
More after a click. :)
More after a click. :)
Like I told you, brushing my wet hair was impossible before, because I made my hair even messier and full of knots. I usually wash my hair, wrap it in a towel, leave it for a hour or more if I have time and then I try to brush and air dry it.
Before / After |
Again, with few brushstrokes and less in a minute I smooth my hair. Amazing! :b
It's great for brushing your dry hair too, for loosening up curls or just smooth the hair, it's even great for easy teasing your hair at roots. :)
When TT gets dirty, you just wash it under warm water, leave it to dry and it's ready to be used again. :)
It's great for brushing your dry hair too, for loosening up curls or just smooth the hair, it's even great for easy teasing your hair at roots. :)
When TT gets dirty, you just wash it under warm water, leave it to dry and it's ready to be used again. :)
I would recommend it to anyone with any type of hair to at least give it a try. I saw lots of great reviews from different people with different hair types, so it might work for you too. :) I know you can get it online and also in some stores, just google Tangle Teezer and you'll find all information you need. It cost around £12 / 14€ / $18, original TT even less, so it's not that expensive and I'll definitely buy original TT soon. Because I can't order online, I got it in a swap, perfect deal if you ask me. :$ No more pain, less damaged hair and I can see my hair is more shiny as before for sure and I didn't change my hair routine at all. <3
I hope someone will find this review helpful. Did you try Tangle Teezer? Do you like it? What do you use for brushing your hair? :)
Nighty nighty,
Ivana :k
I need that badly. I always have the worst snarls.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of this before, but it sounds like something I would totally use!
ReplyDeleteI need to dig mine out. I don't think I've ever used it on wet hair. Will have to try that!
ReplyDeleteThis brush hated me. I neded up with straw like hair within a couple of weeks....it got turfed. Glad it works for you thho!
ReplyDeleteTT je super! Meni je originalna verzija precej bolj všeč, ker je večji in si lase lažje razčešem z njim. =)
ReplyDeleteKer angleško skorajda ne razumem, nisem mogla nekaj vsega prebrat. torej, kje se lahko to kupi? jaz sicer imam eno krtačo, ki je ekstra super! ampak bi še pa probala to.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review, I'll have a look at it, because this sounds interesting for my hair! :)
ReplyDeleteWow! My super straight and thin hair have been often "knotting" (back of head, too) last winter, and brushing them is sometimes a long and painful process. I might give this TT a try!!
ReplyDeleteBTW I love your hair, so long!
Jaz ga še nimam, ampak glede na toliko kul reviewev in mnenj, bo očitno res treba v akcijo :)
ReplyDeleteWow, sounds like this actually works! I'm going to have to try it!
ReplyDelete@Shopping Addict: Maybe it'll work for you too. :)
ReplyDelete@GothamPolish: If you'll have a chance, I recommend you to try it, maybe you'll like it too. :)
@Angie: You didn't like it? I use it all the time on wet or dry hair. Works like magic. :i
@Konad-licious: So bad it didn't work for your hair though. :/ Well at least you gave it a try. :) It can't work for everyone that's for sure. :)
@nihrida: Verjamem, samo ti imaš tudi bolj goste in daljše. :P Moram si kupiti še originalnega kmalu. <3
@Stravadorskiy: Dobi se ga v tujih spletnih trgovinah, kot je npr. Look Fantastic in podobno, ali pa na e-bayu. Mislim, da se ga dobiti celo v nekaterih salonih pri nas (ne vem točno katerih), ampak je potem cena tudi višja. :/
@Bregje: You're welcome, I'm glad you find it interesting. :$
@maisenzasmalto: Thanks! :) If you try it, let me know if it worked for you. I really love it. <3 Before TT I didn't brush my hair until I washed it, because it's impossible without pain and I hate when it hurts or when I'm breaking my hair. I just brushed the top layers. :D
@lunca: Priporočam, izgubiti nimaš kaj, razen dobrih 10€, če ti res ne bo všeč, pa še to ga lahko prodaš naprej. :)
Mislim da mi treba ovo... moja kosa nija dugačka kao tvoja ali je sklona petljanju. I isto tako sklona pucanju kad ju pokušavam raščešljat, bila ona suha ili mokra. Kupujem ovo sigurno... već sam gledala na Ebayu.. oko 10$ ako se dobro sjećam.. i bila jedna ljubičasto šljokičasta, savršena za mene. :O
ReplyDelete@Veronica: It works for me and my hair so you can at least try it, maybe it'll work for you too. :)
ReplyDelete@Lalica: Uh, baš prava za tebe. :i Nije skupa a i traje, možda će ti se i sviđati kao i meni. Ja se sad baš volim češljati, prije mi je to bilo najmučnije jer imam stvarno živu kosu i previše se petlja a stvarno razčešljavanje nije išlo brez bola i bez pokidane kose. :/ Polako pramen po pramen kad mi je zapetljana i razčešljam cjelu glavu i baš je mekana i "fluffy". xD
O temle sem pa res že ogromno dobrih stvari slišala!
Oooh, lepi laski! <3 TT se spravljam kupiti že mesece, enega bi še fantu kupila (ima daljše lase od mojih, samo so pa bolj ubogljivi), pa vedno pozabljam. Moj frizer jih ima, tako da ne bom prek spleta kupovala. Imam pa iste probleme kot ti, polno vozličkov in hudo pomanjkanje potrpljenja z moje strani, včasih, ko sem nervozna, jih kar trgam. No good!
ReplyDelete@Sandra: Priporočam. :i
ReplyDelete@Ulmiel: Hvala. <3 To je potem še boljše kar kupiti pri frizerju, ampak verjetno so potem malo dražji, ane? In ja, tudi jaz sem jih trgala, zato imam pa dosti zlomljenih las. :( Meni TT res pomaga, upam, da bo tebi (in tvojemu fantu) tudi všeč. :) Pa javi, če ga stestirata! :h
I prefer the standard TT, its easier to use on my long hair. I wouldnt be without the compact one though, its fantastic for travelling! x