
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For Audrey & Bella's Choice Comparison

I give up from doing a comparisons, because I can't capture the real difference between them. malu

I apply 2 coats of each, For Audrey and Party Blue are still streaky with just 1 but I didn't have any problems with application, Bella's Choice could work also with one, if you're very careful and you apply one thicker coat.
From L to R:
H&M - Bella's Choice
Maybelline Mini Colorama - Party Blue
China Glaze - For Audrey
H&M - Bella's Choice

In RL is difference between For Audrey and Bella's Choice more obvious, BC is darker and greener then FA. If you like turquoise color, you need both, believe me!senyum I add Party blue to show you the difference between pastel blue and turquoise.

What's next? IDK, maybe a taupe color? fikir



  1. I can see the difference - H&M is the most different. Either way, that's a pretty color. Reminds me of Spring!

  2. Oh, I hope you're not serious about giving up comparisons; the camera may not show the differences as well as you'd like (I know mine doesn't always) but that's what words are for. :)

  3. @Megan Harmeyer: In RL is difference more visible like on the picture. :) Agree, so spring, can't wait spring to come!

    @KarenD: Agree, but that's just make me so angry, because I can see it and my camera don't, it's blind obviously. :D

  4. Super primerjava, Bella's choice še vedno zmaga<3

    Tale party blue je pa pravkar zapustil moje nohte, sedaj pa še morem slikce na blogu objavit=)

  5. @colorfulbottle: Hvala! Kmalu jo boš lahko sprobala. :) Party blue je pa tako lepa modra barva! <3

  6. Bella's Choice is my choice as well. =) So pa vsi lepi.

  7. odlična usporedba! lijepo se vidi da su to dvije različite nijanse...mislim da ću nabaviti i bellu do proljeća ;)

  8. Še sreča, da že imam H&M Bella's Choice, sicer bi šel takoj na WL.:)

  9. I still love For Audrey the most, but I have Bella's Choice and it does lookalike!

  10. I am the first time on this site and am really enthusiastic about and so many good articles. I think it's just very good.

  11. @nihrida: Jaz se pa ne morem odločit. :)

    @Ines: Hvala! Ali bilo je teško i ovo uhvatit, ali u živo su čak i još više različiti! :) Nadam se, da je dobiješ uskoro i da će krasiti tvoje nokte!

    @Mamy: Hehehe, tako je WL ostala nedotaknjena, zaenkrat. :D

    @Lois: They're both turquise but BC is darker and greener. :)

    @Anonymous: Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to me! :)


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