
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Essence Metal Glam Gold Topper

Let's try this blogger app on my iphone. :P

I just have to publish this asap! I saw gold toppers floating around but since I'm not spending for polish as much as before, I didn't want to splurge for a top coat with real gold flakes. Until today, but it was cheap as possible - 2,19€ at Drogerie Markt. :)

Essence came out with a Metal glam collection and one of the polish is this gold topper! In stores now! At least here in Slovenia. 

Top to bottom
Orly - Pure Porcelain
Orly - Fancy Fuchsia
China Glaze - Traffic Jam
Essence - Chuck

Let me know if you already got it and how do you like it! I love it and I definitely need a back up. Hands down Essence, you finally came up with something I love. :)

Ivana :k


  1. wow, looks pretty good for the price. Unfortunately here in Romania is not in stores and I don't think it will be soon :-(

    1. It really does look super awesome! :) Well hope you get it soon too! :)

  2. Super zgleda, moram ga nekje najti :)

  3. Uhuhu, tole bo pa treba poiskat čim prej... :D

    Maja, Pink Mascara

  4. GORGEOUS!!!!! thanks so much, I have to go get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. not in croatia yet, but thanks so much for letting me know...i'll be looking for it!!!!!

  6. Nisam ga mislila kupovat al se ipak nadam da cu naletit na njega pa se mozda predomislim :D

  7. Res je krasen, morem skočit do lokalnega DMa, tam ponavadi še ostane kaj od teh kolekcij :)

  8. izgleda prelepo! nadam se da ce doci i kod nas :)

  9. Nikjer ga ne najdem. Sem bla včeraj v Müllerju in treh dm-jih pa ga nikjer ni bilo. :(

  10. Divno, kod nas ih nazalost jos nema. :(

  11. OMG!!! ♥♥♥ I HAVE TO GET THIS ASAP!!!! Wow love it!!!!

  12. Saw it, fell in love, bought it.

    But I think I'm doing it wrong, the glitter is really chunky on my nails and not flat and nice like on yours. I'll have to give it another chance...

  13. Zahvala tvoji slikici, da sem kombinirala pink + gold topper. Krasno izpade!

  14. Pečudovit je <3 žal ga nisem nikjer našla, sedaj je pa verjetno že prepozno :/

  15. That's so awesome! So bad we haven't had this LE here, in Poland yet...
    Glad I found your amazing blog!:)

  16. So beautiful! I hope you will post soon again :)

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