
Friday, January 13, 2012

Holiday Guest Post #14: Nails and Noms

What do you do when you can't sleep? I'm typing this post together and listening to the music. :e

Woooohoo! Blogger finally changed comment section and now you can answer on invidual comments without writing all your replies in one comment. Great job! :e In case you don't have it - check Blogger Buzz for details! I always wanted my comments to be like this but I didn't want to install Disqus or others, because I hate that profile pictures aren't visible. I remember pictures more than text so that was a big no for me. I had some problems with smileys in comments but now they'd be visible. :) I still don't know why the hour of comments isn't right and it looks like I'm not the only one with that "problem". Anyone already found out how to set it? Or it's just a bug for now? :P

Okay, we're having Rie from Nails and Noms here. :e Rie is having amazing blog with even more amazing macro pictures of her manicures. I just love them, because you can see all the details in polish she posted. <3 Here's what she had prepared for us. :e

Morning Everyone!

The lovely Ivana asked me if I could do a guest post for her while her hand healed from surgery, and I said yes of course! I had all sorts of amazing ideas for the holiday season to do some themed manis. Then life happened and the holidays came and went. :( Not deterred, I decided to play around with two shimmery polishes I recently acquired with the help of my Red Angel stamping plates. No holiday theme this time around, but it still turned out pretty neat! ^_^

Pure Ice Twinkle & OPI Lucerne-Tainly Look Marvelous w/ Red Angel RA-112 Stamp
Pure Ice Twinkle & OPI Lucerne-Tainly Look Marvelous w/ Red Angel RA-112 Stamp

For my base polish I used 2 coats of Pure Ice Twinkle, a gorgeous peach coral with golden shimmer. Then I used my Red Angel RA-112 stamp with OPI Lucerne-Tainly Look Marvelous, a gun-metal grey metallic. I really like the way this turned out, I hope you do too! You can enlarge the photos to their original size you can really get a good look at the shimmer in both polishes. :-)

That's all I've got for today, I'd like to thank Ivana for letting me pop in for a guest post and I hope you all enjoyed it! ^_^

I can't wait to get RA plates in my hands! This is so lovely pattern and I love how subtle but pretty this manicure looks! <3 Thanks Rie for sharing your manicure with all of us. <3 Please check Rie's blog Nails and Noms to see all her beautiful manicures and show some love, you won't be sorry because her blog is amazing, I promise. :D

Do you already own RA plates? Do you like this lovely combo? :)

I think I'm going to watch a movie or something and fall asleep pretty soon. Bebo is sleeping under my bed but everytime he hears that I eat something he get up quickly and check what I'm eating. Like he've never eaten before. xD

Thanks for reading! 

Nighty night,
Ivana :k


  1. I Love the new blogger comments too. It's so much easier and better.

    I like you, also didn't want to install any other "comment thingy", so This is a change I welcome with open arms.

    Now on to the yummy goodness that brought me here... Rie's nails are soo pretty and the design is very well executed. RA plates are amazing, and u should absolutely get one.
    Hope you're recovering well.

    I also love what you did with the background and your new letter-head. Pretty Pretty...

    1. Thank you Lizzy. :) I'm so happy someone noticed new background and matching header and I'm glad to hear at least someone like it. :$
      Yap, I'm getting RA plates in a swap soon and I can't wait to try them out! :) I'm almost fully recovered, still have some problems with my wrist but it's getting much better! :) Thanks for your lovely comment!

  2. What a beautiful manicure, and lovely post!! :D

    I really hope that your hand heals soon!!

  3. Most of the time I am not into orange on the nails (but it is still my favorite color), but you did it just right! I really like the subtle nailart and the combination of the colors. Pretty!

  4. love the manicure, lovely color combo :-D
    even more i love the new comment section ;-D

  5. Fantastic to hear that they have changed there system. I need to switch back from disqus asap!

  6. I think this is absolutely breathtaking... who would have thunk it ;) that an orange an a grey would play so well together!!!
    I can't believe lucertainly look marvellous stamped this!
    I need to do more subtle stamping.... *makes a note to self*

  7. Beautiful! Good to hear that Blogger have changed that.

  8. I also LOVE Rie's blog!
    I hope you'll recover soon :D

  9. This is such a pretty and subtle stamping combo. Very nice :)

  10. Pretty!

    I love finding new blogs through these guest posts :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment here, I really apreciate every comment I get! Please do not spam my comments with the links to your blog, especially if you are here just to paste the link. Thank you for understanding!
