
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I don't have Easter manicure for today, I'm too lazy for that these days because I'm enjoying the days off the work. :i Easter is one of my favorite holidays probably just because of the competition of smashing eggs. :i I always pick my favorite egg and then I compete with mom and dad whose egg is the strongest and doesn't crack when you hit it (of course I always pick the weakest so when my egg cracks I pick another one). I'm waiting that my mom comes from work so we could start, because that's just fun. :D I'll take pictures later and show them in one of my following posts. :)

Our Orthodox Easter and Catholic Easter are on the same day, so we're celebrating Easter together. :i


I hope you're spending great time with your family, friends...I wish you a lot of chocolate eggs! Those are definitely ma favorite, I'm eating them for the whole week, all the time and I've so many left to eat. *yummi*

Ivana :k


  1. Happy Easter!
    Hope you have fun with your family.

  2. Vesele velikonočne praznike!

  3. Happy Hippity Hoppity day to you!

  4. Lepe in vesele praznike želim tudi tebi =)

  5. Thanks girls for your wished! I hope you had great Easter too! :k


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