
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm searching for a Teenage Dream!

I's checking all the entries since I woke up, I just gave up now and I can't believe how much people entered without following me at all. It's hard when the name you write down isn't the same like your GFC name so I have to play a detective to find out. :D It works great when you have a blog and I could check it there, but if you don't then I just can't know what's your following name because I can't find it on my list of followers - so it can be that you're not following me or you wrote different name and it doesn't match. :D Anyway...
First I thought I should believe to all the entries I got so I checked just a few of them and realized that's not everything like it should be. :D
So I'm checking one by one and I'm tired just because of clicking, searching and my internet connection  drives me crazy! I hope I'll announce the winner in next few days. :)

About  Teenage Dream! I would love to get my hands on OPI - Teenage Dream (Katy Perry collection) and if you have a bottle and you don't like it or you can get it for me - please e-mail me if you want to swap for (I've few magnetics prepared for a swap if you're interested or anything that I can get here). I did the same mistake like with MAAH - when it's sold out, I want it badly! xo

Edit - 3/9: I got it! :e

That's it. :)
I'm listening to this song all the time. :e

Usher - More (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix)

Take care,
Ivana :k


  1. It is still available on for 8.5$

  2. @Une Ruxi à Paris: Thank you! But I don't have PP so I can't order anything from other countries. :c

  3. I can get you teenage dream in a swap if you'd like to ?
    Xx. S

  4. @S.: Check your mail box. :h

  5. Što se tiče OPI-ja ne mogu ti pomoć, ali za prvi dio posta te totalno kužim. Meni 2 dana traje giveaway tek, ali već sam lagano počela provjeravat i već ima toliko ljudi koji me uopće ne prate, a prijavili su se. Bit će puno posla provjeravajući.

  6. Wow, to pa je bilo hitro, bom probala z DV8, čeprav dvomim, ker so discountinued. Drugače pa čestitam =)

  7. @Lalica: :| To je baš nezahvalno ako mene pitaš. I ono malo što tražiš ne izpune. Ali nađemo i takve. :)

    @colorfulbottle: Veliko sreče! Držim pesti zate! Zdaj pa upam, da se mi nikoli več ne zgodi spet isto. :)

  8. @Abby: Again! :i But at least I got it easier, thanks goes to lovely S. :) :h


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