
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chocolate ♥

I get up late today, it's almost night and I'm still wearing my ruffian. I have plans to change it today, maybe I'll change it later, so pictures tommorow.

I got SPAR new white chocolate with coconut from their Premium line. I always loved white chocolate, I mostly eat Milka white chocolate, but I missed Milka white chocolate with coconut. I don't know why they stopped selling it, because it was really good.fikir

Now, I found even a better replacment, SPAR Premium Coconut - I think it costs 1,49€, 100g.

If you love raffaello, you'll definetely love this chocolate too! It's so good and tasty and so like Rafaello, yummmi. lapar

I just finished this post and the chocolate was gone... It wasn't me. siul

I hope you all have a nice and sweet end of the week!



  1. ojoj kako ti tole zamerim!! ;)spara nimam v bližini in očitno bom mogla še nekaj časa sanjat tole čokolado.. bela čoko in kokos je zame najboljša kombinacija =)

  2. @mancina se štima: To je bil moj namen! Hihi! :) Upam, da jo čimprej poskusiš, ker je res slastna. Saj bi ti malce svoje poslala, pa ne vem kam je izginila. :P

  3. Sama ne maram bele čokolade, ampak če praviš da ima okus po raffaellu jo bom mogla probat.

    Bom šla v ponedeljek v nabavo za čokolado, ko morem itak letet v DM, če so se seveda že spomnile razstaviti stojalo z magnetnimi lakci=)

  4. @colorfulbottle: Jaaaa, kot rafaello! <3 Jaz grem jutri po novo, ker je dobra, njammmm. :) A še kr niso dale, kere lenobe so. xD Držim pesti! :)


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